Our Services

Aviant Bookkeeping Services offers a range of packages designed to fit different company sizes and financial needs:

- **Small Companies:** Starting at **$600** and up to **$1,000** based on financial stability and other specific requirements.

- **Mid-Size Companies:** Starting at **$4,000**, with adjustments based on the company’s financial complexity and any additional needs.

These services aim to cater to each company's unique bookkeeping demands, ensuring precise and reliable financial management.


Basic Service

- **Small Companies:** Starting at **$600** and up to **$1,000** based on financial stability and other specific requirements.


Intermediate Service

- **Mid-Size Companies:** Starting at **$4,000**, with adjustments based on the company’s financial complexity and any additional needs.


Advanced Service

-** Large Company: ** Starting at **various amount, with adjustments based on the company’s financial complexity and any additional needs.

Book a free consultation